Providing proven money-makers at unbeatable prices since 2007

Testing our bungee trampoline 4 person mobile with TUV

A few words about us

Eurojumper develops, produces and sells highly popular amusement rides as well as the spare parts to keep them up and running, helping operators generate reliable income, maximize profits and achieve fast returns on investment.

Eurojumper is the fusion of a traditional Polish high-end custom design manufacturing company and Eurobungy, the specialized German company that achieved world-wide success with the invention of the original Bungee Trampoline and has been operating globally since 1991. Eurojumper offers the largest range of Bungee Trampoline models in the market and has now invented and released the next generation of fun, money-making rides: FunCity.

Each model comes equipped with the buyer’s choice of components, from basic (private and small companies) to high-end (parks and professionals) including the most important certificates (TÜV, etc). Our rides and equipment meet all major international safety standards and are trusted by customers around the world: Over 500 units have been sold worldwide!

Check out our products and contact us to find out how we can help you maximize your operations through the perfect combination of high-tech engineering and cost-effective production to accommodate all budgets.


customers has trusted us !


bungees delivered


units sold each year

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Nasze eurobungy zostały sprzedane praktycznie do każdego zakątka świata!

Jeżeli zależy Ci na jakości

Zapraszamy do kontaktu!

Czekamy na Twoją wiadomość.

Eurojumper s.c.
ul. Wroclawska 20,
55-095 Januszkowice
(niedaleko Wrocławia)


Telefon kontaktowy
+48 609 655 895

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